
18 November 2011

Balancing Our Blessings - How to get to the point of funding the emergency savings goal

If you've done the foot work, you now have a goal in mind.  Then you likely looked back at that spending plan you had developed and shook your head!  It is already tight.  Perhaps you are still trying to just bring the essentials current.  That's OKAY!  Every journey starts somewhere - including the one towards saving!

My thoughts:
Looking over my spending plan, I realized I had every penny accounted for and marked to go somewhere, yet there was no amount going into the emergency savings and no amount left over to start back up on paying off those medical bills.  Then, I reminded myself that saving sometimes starts really small.  I can clearly remember having an extremely tight (and much smaller) spending plan while raising my kids as a single parent.  My 'emergency savings' then could be held in a jar in the kitchen cabinet!  If that's where you and your family need to start, START!  Pay cash for your groceries and toss the change into a jar.  It WILL start to add up!  The more mindful we become in more areas, the more we can shift our money to where we need it to go.

Now, as far as my savings...I wanted to find 1% of my income to redirect to my emergency savings account.  It took some hard thinking, but I found it.  If I give up and keep it at that rate, it will take a really long time to reach my goal, so I am going back to the drawing board!  I will be taking a hard look at many things - especially since I still need to pull in paying off those pesky medical bills.  Let's do this!

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