
19 November 2011

Found Money! Starting small...

Got a challenge for ya...are you up to it?  Since I am not feeling 100% today and my brain is moving full steam ahead while my body lags behind, I'm throwing in a little bit of 'money, honey' with the house cleaning.  Grab all that loose change from around the house - you know where to look - on the dryer, on the dresser, up on the TV, in your purse...deep down in the bottom with the purse dust bunnies, in your husband's pockets - I mean, come on, like he's actually going to spend the change!

Now, count it!  Have kids?  Get them to help you - they need these lessons as well!  CHANGE IS MONEY!

Once it is counted, decide what you are going to do with it.  There are endless options:
~save it for tooth fairy visits
~rainy day hide and seek for the kids
~take it to the change machine and turn it in for a gift card (most don't charge fees if you do it that route)
~pay down a credit card
~treat everyone to ice cream this weekend
~use it to start your emergency savings

You get the idea!  Be creative and don't leave the change out of your money plans!

I'm off to do the challenge myself...

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