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19 November 2011

Found Money! Starting Small - My results and a challenge to me!

Okay, I still have a few places to hit - like my purse and the car.  I'm not hitting those yet as I would get sidetracked cleaning those things completely out and I want to stay focused on the few tasks I've already given myself.  So, I hit my room and grabbed the jar of coins I've had sitting on my windowsill since summer.  I took a few months and paid cash for most everything.  This jar is the result of the change from those months.  Are you ready for the total?


My brain had already decided what to do with the money, so here it is.  I am removing the 'gifts' category from my spending plan for 2012.  I will start paying cash for certain things again and use the change to fund this category.  I have another thing or two to help fund it, but that's for a different post :)  This will be no small challenge as this category covers birthdays for my daughter, her husband, my son and my grandsons!  Right now, it covers only birthdays (Christmas is a separate category in my spending plan), but still no small challenge!

Now I need a catchy name for my challenge so I can update along the way!  Any suggestions?

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