
© 2009 - 2025 DaretobeReal - All Rights Reserved.

27 November 2011

Until the Mother Ship Returns For Me

When I was little, I had this theory.  I was dropped on planet Earth by my alien parents.  I was never quite sure if it was a punishment or an experiment of some sort.  Either way, here I am until the Mother Ship calls me home.

Due to the set up of this crazy world, I am in no way getting younger.  However, I still have much to accomplish.  Some of these assignments come directly from the Man in Charge, while others have been self assigned.  Some are simply cleaning up messes I've already made, and there are even a few 'just for fun' items sprinkled in for good measure.  Being that each day ticks closer to my departure, it's time I get focused and busy!  I have devised a strategy to assist on this mission.

Think big...start small.

Here's a glimpse at some of the items in my Think Big Bag:
  • Kick all unnecessary clutter out of my home and my life (now that's thinking big - lol)
  • Finish remodeling my house
  • Finish my degree
  • Improve my health
  • Be debt free again - minus the mortgage
  • Be financially stable 
  • Have my emergency/kick the bucket information complete for whomever handles my estate
  • Dip my toes in both oceans
  • Visit a state park
  • Watch the sun rise with a loved one
  • Watch the sun set with a loved one
  • Get my son through high school and into college
  • Get my son his drivers license
  • Grow a successful fruit/vegetable garden
  • Learn to can
  • Learn to cook/bake without using processed/enriched flours
  • Start a business
  • Have my charity program up and running
  • Write a book (maybe)
  • Travel - perhaps visiting all 50 states, Canada and Mexico
  • Learn to knit
  • Learn Spanish
  • Learn to quilt
  • Buy a second house - maybe build one in the country
  • refinish a piece of furniture
  • make something out of wood again (did this way back in junior high when I took a wood shop class)
  • Learn to sew better
  • Put together a family recipe book for my kids
  • Walk a 5k (that's big after 2 heart surgeries)  I would say run, but I'm trying to be realistic.
Well, there you have it.  Things that will keep me busy during my stay on Planet Earth!

Dogs and Cats - Oh My!

As an adult, I've had several animals in the house over the years.  There was Honey, a beautiful black Chow; and then Annie, a black lab/chow mix.  Then came Buddy.  He was the runt of his Collie mix litter, but my house somehow encouraged him to grow into an 80 pound oaf!  Add in Kiki the Cat, brought to me by my then allergic eldest grandson.  I was NOT a cat person!  Then Chomp was smuggled in.  Another Collie mix, he understood there was no need to hit 80 pounds and stopped about 40.  Kiki got bored and brought around Midnight.  He would purr at you from a distance, but please don't touch.  Because things obviously weren't exciting enough, I rescued Tyson, an 80 pound Rott/Pit mix - the only animal that was MINE.  Just recently, Kiki brought around Smoky.  

Every single one of these critters are smart.  I'm ready for a DUMB animal!

Honey and Annie are now running pain free over the rainbow.  Midnight stayed but a season or two and then went on about his adventure and  Chomp is enjoying his new home in Austin.  This is about the remaining four.

Buddy is the oldest, so he'll go first.  I believe he is my most troubled critter child.  It is because of him I had to drop awful amounts of money this past summer to divide my back yard in three - 2 dog pens and a people place.  This is what Buddy thinks of being kept outside, in a very large pen, with plenty of running room, potty room, drinking water, a dog house AND a tarp for shade and weather protection:
He dug under the gate enough to stick his head under it.  He would then use his neck and head and pull the bottom of the gate back in towards him - see how he bent it - until he could crawl fully under it!

This is Buddy:

Tyson is the newest canine addition to the family.  He was rescued before his prior family had to release him to the city - where he would have been put down.  He is a great dog.  My vet is scared of him, though.  Time to get a new vet!  Buddy decided he wanted to try to fight Tyson.  Zack and I broke up a few of those fights. An aggressive dominant Collie and a huge Rott/Pit defending himself - the outcome would not have been pretty.  He lives next to Buddy.  They will actually lay side by side (with the divider fence between them) and be content.  It took us a few tries to keep him in his pen.  He is very resourceful.  Here's his latest escape trick:
Look at me, I am King of the Tarp!  From here, I can pounce over the 6 foot fence.  Silly humans.  Oh, and in the right lower corner of the picture - an old screen door and big log blocking his last escape route - still needing to be fixed.

Then, if 2 crazy dogs weren't enough, there's Kiki the Cat.  He doesn't know he is a cat.  He won't use the litter box.  He will meow at the nearest person and walk them to the door to go outside to tend to business!  He also thinks he is part human:

Recently, he brought Smoky home with him.  Smoky was very scrawny and very skittish.  He is still an outside stray cat, but will let me pet him on occasion now.  Oh, and I believe he may be making this his home.  Caught him wandering inside the other day when I had the door open for a while bringing some stuff in:

So right now, Kiki the cat is curled up on my bed, Smoky is out front in the wood chips, Tyson is 'sunning' in his pen and Buddy, well he is once again inside after his newest escape route - he used his TEETH to pull apart enough of the chain link in his gate to squeeze his body through!

Yep, if there are ever more animals to come here, I will interview them first.  They must be DUMB!

25 November 2011

The Rx could cause what?

My Day Timer says nothing about me taking time to be sick!  Yet, here I am on day 8.5 of not feeling well.  I can handle sick okay.  I don't get sick often, so when I do, a couple of down days are fine.  However, 8.5 days of a semi-truck running me over is simply NOT okay!  I don't have time for this and I'm a bit cranky tonight.  Perhaps that is due to someone at my doctor's office trying to kill me or at least scare the daylights out of me - and I don't scare easily!

I went to the doctor's office on Wednesday.  My doctor was booked, so I saw one of the NPs.  I'm okay with that as we've seen this one before and she has full access to my history.  I like her.  We are of the same mindset - natural approach first, no drugs unless absolutely necessary.  We chatted and agreed that my body was doing a pretty decent job of keeping things 'just this side' of a full blown infection.  We chatted a bit more about what I was doing and she gave me one other tip.  We agreed I would call in on Friday with an update.  If necessary, she would then call in an antibiotic.

Today's Friday.  I called in - left message - got a call back from someone (not the NP) that the Rx had been called in - I should feel better pretty darned fast.  Okay, cool.  Finish work, drive through CVS and pick up the Rx.  It's a drug I've never taken before, so I decide to look it up before opening the bag.  Glad I did.  One of the side effects is an abnormal heart rhythm.  I haven't posted my health history on this blog yet, but nutshell version:  I had to ablations for abnormal heart rhythms...the deadly kind!  The last thing I need is for ANYTHING to make my heart feel like it is skipping all about over town!

So, this drug will remain in the bag.  I will call the doctor's office in the morning and see who is on duty.  Until then, I've alerted my body's army to be prepared to fight this one without additional reinforcements.  I have promised to up the daily supply shipments, though.

24 November 2011


I got side-tracked from cleaning up the house.  Ended up sitting at the computer and throwing together the introduction to my new project.  It is now with my "review crew" for some honest feedback.  I am hopeful I will have the intro ready to e-mail out this weekend.  If anyone is interested, shoot an email to: and I'll be sure to include you when I send it out!

Eventually, it will have it's own FB page and perhaps it's own blog.  For now...e-mail.  Oh, location...North Texas area., tomorrow, every day!

Thanksgiving, for many, starts days before the actual day.  There are people to invite, houses to clean, tables to set and food to start making.  It's a big deal.  Then, when the day finally arrives, there are parades to watch and children to get ready.  Everyone gathers at the designated house at the designated time to begin the art of eating way too much food and then lounging around while playing games, watching football or discussing strategies for Black Friday shopping.  *Notice I didn't add all of the family DRAMA that so often tags along*

That routine is now a part of American culture.  For those not celebrating in this manner - well, it's almost un-American!  Or is it?

I've seen many posts and heard many comments over the past week or so about 'changes in Thanksgiving.'  I'm sure you've seen them as well, or perhaps even muttered them yourself.

"I can't believe they are opening the store.  Thanksgiving is a time for families."
"You have to work?  You should just take off and be with your family."
"I can't believe you aren't going over there!  Who wouldn't want to be with their family on Thanksgiving?"

And many more along those lines.  

Here's my 2 cents worth:  

My father worked for the airlines while I was growing up.  He ALWAYS worked the holidays.  Our family time was the next day off.  I've been a military wife.  Thanksgiving was a month early one year - and combined with Christmas - to get it in before a deployment.  Thanksgiving has been spent alone, just because the kids were elsewhere and that's what it was that year.

There are MANY that work the holidays and we EXPECT them to:  gas station attendants, waitresses, cooks, pilots, firemen, police, doctors, grocery store cashiers, and oh...the service men and women that put their life on the line to protect our sometimes extremely selfish butts.

Family isn't the same for everyone.  Some would love to be with family, but their family is 1/2 a world away.  Some have no family.  Some family is simply toxic!

Now, I'm not saying that Thanksgiving shouldn't be a time of gathering with family and friends.  If you have that opportunity, by all means, GO FOR IT!  However, 'Thanksgiving' can also be May 1st, the second Tuesday of every month, or every single night that you have your loved ones near by.  Don't lock a day of giving enormous thanks to one little day of the year!

20 November 2011

Gifts on the Sly - update

Because I couldn't think of a catchier name, this is what I'm going with for now.

Amount added to the fund = $2.51

Current total = $46.37

Not a bad start.  The first birthday gift to come out of this fund will be for grandson #2 in January.  The typical purchase for his birthday is 1 book, 1 game, puzzle or other learning item, 1 article of clothing.  The best way to do this is to keep my eyes open starting now for great deals.

19 November 2011

Found Money! Starting Small - My results and a challenge to me!

Okay, I still have a few places to hit - like my purse and the car.  I'm not hitting those yet as I would get sidetracked cleaning those things completely out and I want to stay focused on the few tasks I've already given myself.  So, I hit my room and grabbed the jar of coins I've had sitting on my windowsill since summer.  I took a few months and paid cash for most everything.  This jar is the result of the change from those months.  Are you ready for the total?


My brain had already decided what to do with the money, so here it is.  I am removing the 'gifts' category from my spending plan for 2012.  I will start paying cash for certain things again and use the change to fund this category.  I have another thing or two to help fund it, but that's for a different post :)  This will be no small challenge as this category covers birthdays for my daughter, her husband, my son and my grandsons!  Right now, it covers only birthdays (Christmas is a separate category in my spending plan), but still no small challenge!

Now I need a catchy name for my challenge so I can update along the way!  Any suggestions?

Found Money! Starting small...

Got a challenge for ya...are you up to it?  Since I am not feeling 100% today and my brain is moving full steam ahead while my body lags behind, I'm throwing in a little bit of 'money, honey' with the house cleaning.  Grab all that loose change from around the house - you know where to look - on the dryer, on the dresser, up on the TV, in your purse...deep down in the bottom with the purse dust bunnies, in your husband's pockets - I mean, come on, like he's actually going to spend the change!

Now, count it!  Have kids?  Get them to help you - they need these lessons as well!  CHANGE IS MONEY!

Once it is counted, decide what you are going to do with it.  There are endless options:
~save it for tooth fairy visits
~rainy day hide and seek for the kids
~take it to the change machine and turn it in for a gift card (most don't charge fees if you do it that route)
~pay down a credit card
~treat everyone to ice cream this weekend
~use it to start your emergency savings

You get the idea!  Be creative and don't leave the change out of your money plans!

I'm off to do the challenge myself...

Found Money!

Men...Have you ever reached into your pocket and pulled out a $5 bill you didn't know was in there?
Ladies...Have you ever cleaned out a pocket before throwing things into the washing machine and found some cash instead of crayons?

Remember the "oh, cool" feeling?  Then the next thought was "oh, what can I spend this on?"

Well, that's what I'm talking about here!  FOUND money!  

Of course, to "find" extra money, you could sell things, play the lottery, inherit a large sum from a long lost relative or work an extra job.  

Now I don't know about you, but here are my thoughts on that above statement:
~I am NOT holding a garage sale!
~I like knowing my odds, so I don't play the lottery!
~Even if I had a long lost relative kick the bucket, the chances of them being rich and knowing who I am would be slim to none!

~I'm a single parent and already work a full-time salaried job.  A second job just isn't going to happen!

So, my quest is to FIND money and re-direct it!  It may sound a bit strange, but I love the challenge of this!  It can be frustrating at times and darn near impossible at others, but employ a bit of creativity and see where it leads!

This is the method I used last time around when I paid off 2 car loans, 2 credit cards and socked away an emergency fund and all the money I just spent on the current remodeling project.  No second job, just determination and creativity!

Of course, no two situations are identical and, even in my own household, no two times are alike.  I'm ready to see what this time brings about!

Are you with me?

...better hurry, my brain keeps jumping ahead of me

Pulling the ball of yarn out of the goopy glue!

Determination!  That's what is needed in this situation.

Today is Saturday, so no alarm clock set for me.  After a rough night, I woke at 0640.  Yep, that's my body's idea of 'sleeping in.'  It's a cloudy day here in North Texas, so it wasn't really bright enough to start cleaning without throwing on a lot of lights.  It was, however, light enough to fill the dog food bowls and go outside to feed them.  So that's where my day started.  Dogs fed, cats fed, fish fed...oh, let's feed me, too!  I am on day two of the sore throat, achy head and body, cough and chest congestion, so no dairy products for me.  Start the bacon and the scrambled egg and heat the water for some tea.  Salt water gargle while I'm waiting.  Notice I still have a blanket in the washer - take that out and toss it out on the line to dry (we are expecting low 70's here today). is done.

The food and tea have now been consumed!  My body now has some fuel to fight off whatever this 'crud' is that is invading my calendar!

0745 and it now seems light enough to start getting some things done.

Since I've been kinda lazy about it lately, today starts the official kick off of my return to Mindful Living adventure.  Seeing as how my 'ball of yarn' is a tangled mess and kind of stuck right now, today will be a day of paying attention, taking notes and starting some lists.  Time to see what will come out of it ~

18 November 2011

My ball of yarn must have fallen into a puddle of goopy glue!

Ever have one of those days that absolutely everything seems tangled up within everything else?  One where you try to do one thing, but it requires something else to be done first, but that isn't something you can do at the moment?  A day where that ball of yarn that was nice and neatly rolled at one point, but has since been tossed on the floor and played with by a few cats...then the Gremlins got it and played for a bit and - just for good measure - tossed it into a big puddle of glue when they were finished with it?

Yep, it's one of those times!

This typically happens when I am on a mission to get something done...not just anything, but a "something."  We aren't talking dishes and laundry, but a mission!  This is when Mr. Murphy puts a call into the devil himself and they team up.  They pull in the Dust Bunnies (did you know they were evil creatures?), the Gremlins and every other negative evil little minion they can scrounge up.  Then they set about wreaking havoc in my world. Yep, they tossed my already tangled ball of yarn in the goopy glue!

Tomorrow, I start yanking it out of the goopy glue!

To explain the shift back

From 01 Nov 2011 - This is why I had to shift...

I jumped off the wagon!

The 'wagon' was feeling a bit stuffy and more like a stage coach or box car.  I don't do so well in boxes!  So I jumped and wandered a bit to figure out why I was feeling a bit out of sorts.

I said, "Self, what's your problem?"
"Well," said Self, "I feel a bit...stuffy."
(have I mentioned I carry on conversations with myself?)
"Okay, Self.  Can you identify the culprit?"
After a bit of mulling over the situation with Brain, Self replied, "It seems I am being forced down a narrow walk and I prefer romping over the fields."
"I see.  Well, Self, I propose we fix that.  After all, we aren't writing a book.  Not today anyway."

So, I guess realistically, the first part - the Balancing Your Blessings steps - had to be organized and in order to make sense and work well together.  However, the line is now done enough to turn into a squiggle, thus making Self much happier!  My apologies in advance if you feel like a ping-pong ball.

I'm off the wagon and up on my horse!  Let's get this ride going!

Balancing Our Blessings - Plugging the Purse Holes

From 25 Oct 2011

Plugging the Purse Holes

I know I saw a devotion on this some time ago.  I'll have to go track it down and post it.

Do you have money left over at the end of the pay period (after you remember to pay all of your bills)?  If so, yea you!  If not, do you know where your money is going?  Is it going where you want it to?

In December of 2009, I was completely debt free (except for my mortgage)!  I had paid off 2 credit cards, 2 car loans and a few miscellaneous things and had a decent emergency fund.  From there, I started socking away money into my home remodeling account.  IT CAN BE DONE!  2010 saw me debt free as well.  Then I enrolled my son in a private academy.  2011 came along and my purse began leaking again.  Somehow, my credit cards starting being used again.  They aren't maxed, but definitely need paid off...AGAIN!  I have emptied my home remodeling account with the purchase of materials to finish everything but the laundry room, bathrooms and kitchen and certain recent events had me tap into my emergency savings.  I DO, however, still have my incidentals account (I put money into this regularly for car maintenance, vet trips, gifts, holidays, yearly eye glasses and the like).

Of course, there was then the discovery of a wheat sensitivity - leading to a new way of eating - and the unexpected surgery, with all the bills that come along with it.  My son is still in the private academy and will soon have his license - thus increasing vehicle insurance premiums.

The remainder of the emergency savings and the incidental account being fully funded for the next 2 months of incidentals is an absolute saving grace.  However, I need to find and plug those darned holes!

Balancing Our Blessings - How to get to the point of funding the emergency savings goal

If you've done the foot work, you now have a goal in mind.  Then you likely looked back at that spending plan you had developed and shook your head!  It is already tight.  Perhaps you are still trying to just bring the essentials current.  That's OKAY!  Every journey starts somewhere - including the one towards saving!

My thoughts:
Looking over my spending plan, I realized I had every penny accounted for and marked to go somewhere, yet there was no amount going into the emergency savings and no amount left over to start back up on paying off those medical bills.  Then, I reminded myself that saving sometimes starts really small.  I can clearly remember having an extremely tight (and much smaller) spending plan while raising my kids as a single parent.  My 'emergency savings' then could be held in a jar in the kitchen cabinet!  If that's where you and your family need to start, START!  Pay cash for your groceries and toss the change into a jar.  It WILL start to add up!  The more mindful we become in more areas, the more we can shift our money to where we need it to go.

Now, as far as my savings...I wanted to find 1% of my income to redirect to my emergency savings account.  It took some hard thinking, but I found it.  If I give up and keep it at that rate, it will take a really long time to reach my goal, so I am going back to the drawing board!  I will be taking a hard look at many things - especially since I still need to pull in paying off those pesky medical bills.  Let's do this!

Balancing Our Blessings - Emergency Savings!

Everyone knows they need to have an emergency savings tucked away somewhere, but most of us never seem to get around to it.  If you have followed along with the first five set up steps of "Balancing Our Blessings", you are ready for this next step.  Even if you are still behind on the essentials, you can do the leg work for this step.  This is where the fun begins!

Everyone has heard of Murphy's Law, right?  "He" comes knocking at your front door to tell you there is a tree downed in your back yard that took out the neighbor's cable, internet and phone..AND is sitting on the power line to both your houses..AFTER you've just wiped out your home remodeling account.  You know it has to be taken care of, but to hire someone in to do this will cost WAY more than what you have access to.  Of course, the scenario could be an A/C unit blowing in the midst of an extremely hot Texas summer.  The outcome is the same - not enough funds to cover unexpected emergencies.  So, how does one thwart Mr. Murphy?  By outsmarting him and having an emergency savings account to kick his butt to the curb!  I know some 'financial advisors' will give you a specific sum to fund this account with, but I don't live in a cookie cutter box.  How about you?  Here's my theory:

This is a personal decision.  It will be a different amount for every person. 

Here's what my thought process was like when deciding my 'comfort amount' for my emergency savings goal.  I am a single parent - thus only one income.  My son - ever so healthy - ended up having surgery this past summer.  So, we start with the yearly deductible for my health insurance.  Now, I had 3 surgeries within 3 years a while back, but according to my doctors I am healthy (outside of being crazy).  I figure the chances of both of us having a surgery in the same year are slim.  Add in 1/2 of a second yearly health deductible, just in case.  Next - my car is paid off, but has enough miles on it to warrant some unexpected repairs in the near future (such as a transmission).  Thankfully, I know someone that could get one and put it in if needed, so add in the estimated amount for that sucker.  I have an old house, but I currently have a home warranty program that allows me to call out a service tech if needed, so I'm not adding anything for that (for now).  Anything else?  I am comfortable with the security of my job, so I think that is about it. 

That's how I came up with my emergency savings goal. 

What - EXACTLY - are we dealing with?

From 21 Oct 2011

What - EXACTLY - are we dealing with?

My son had his follow up with his surgeon yesterday.  He came out saying the doctor said it was still healing, but should have already healed.  According to him, it should take 4 - 6 weeks to heal after surgery.  It's been 3 months.  My son wasn't exactly thrilled about the doctor's comment of maybe having to go in, reopen the area and stitch it to promote healing.  Neither was I.  My question - why wasn't his body healing properly.  My momstinct told me something was going on inside of his body keeping it from healing properly.

Then, about midnight - as that is when my son always seems ready to talk - he woke me up with his concerns.  He had been doing some research and his "wheat sensitivity" could possibly keep him from joining the service.  He's not 100% sure that's what he wants to do, but he does know he wants to study defensive/mechanical engineering and work on military issues.  From his body language, what he wasn't saying, and the fact he couldn't sleep, I knew all of this was really weighing on him.  I told him we would find out exactly what he had, so he could have the information he needed to move forward.  "Okay, mom, good night."

As soon as the doctor's office opened, I called to make an appointment for blood work - more blood work.  Unfortunately, our GP was out, but a nurse I trusted recommended one of the NPs since I was mostly needing someone to order the blood work.  She was awesome!  We now have an additional member to our team "Let's get Zack healed!"  We agreed that we needed to see if there was something blocking the healing ability of his body AND we needed to verify if his wheat issue was an allergy, sensitivity, wheat only, all gluten or full blow Celiac's disease.  She talked with us for a good amount of time and said she would be happy to work with us to figure this stuff out and get him moving forward.  Our team is now me, my son, our general physician, our AK Chiropractor and our new friend, the NP.  I am truly thankful I have them to bounce our questions off of - some they know the answers to and some lead us all to a bit more research!

Blood work has been done.  Results will be in next week.  Until then, we get back to kicking processed wheat out of his diet.   We know that's the minimum this 'adventure' will require.

Wheat? Really?

Wheat? Really?

So, as my kids got older and I got 'smarter', I decided to switch us all to wheat products.  Those were so much better than the processed white bread and pasta we had been shoveling down our throats, right?  All the while I worked to feed my family a healthier diet, I was slowly making my son sicker.  Geez - talk about a guilt trip!

I went home after that call from the doctor and grabbed a box.  I was determined to get rid of the wheat in my house.  Little did I realize then that my pantry would be almost empty!  Out when the cereal, the cookies, the pretzels.  Toss the pasta, the macaroni and cheese and the snack bars.  Don't forget the bread, cake mixes and tortillas.  Creamed soup - see ya!  Processed wheat has found its way into just about everything.

I toted a HUGE box and a few bags over to my neighbor's house.  The kids were thrilled.  However, the young boy has autism.  His Ohma started mentioning some of the things she had been reading and now I think they are working on changing their eating habits as well.

Once the pantry was empty, I realized this may be a bit trickier than I originally thought.  I grabbed my purse and out the door I went to do my least favorite thing - grocery shop.  First, I tried my regular store.  That was frustrating!  Then I headed over to Whole Foods - almost as frustrating and definitely more expensive.  I did pick up a few things to try.  What an experience!  The bread we tried...well, not even the dogs were interested!  The fake mac/cheese - OMG, it was NASTY!  I was so very discouraged.  Eventually, I found a few replacement things that were edible.  That was the beginning.

Health - My son's story (nutshell version)

Health - My son's story

Several years ago, my son started complaining of feeling like he was going to throw up – a lot.  Once it became clear it wasn’t a simple bug of sorts, we went to the doctor.  Our physician was thorough and believed what he was saying, but could find nothing wrong.  Time passed and we were back at the doctor.  After some additional tests, it was determined he had a ‘slight’ case of acid reflux – take these meds as needed.  Time passed with good days and bad days. Eventually, he stopped the meds.

By the time he was in middle school, there were complaints of headaches and stomach aches.  Back to the doctor we went.  The doctor could find nothing wrong, so the questions began – is he doing okay in school, is there anything going on at home…?  He was doing great in school.  Grades were good, no peer issues.  Things were fine at home as well.  We were looking in from all angles, but finding nothing.

As the headaches and stomach aches continued, his mood started to drop and he became easily distracted.  At the advice of our family physician, he started an anti-depressant and I took him to a counselor.  We worked on some of the attention issues and some minor things, but nothing came out that explained the moods or the headaches and/or stomach aches.  Once again, we stopped the meds.

The headaches turned into migraines – a day here, a day there.  Then they increased.  He would miss days of school at a time.  Several more doctor appointments led to trying several migraine medications.  Most didn’t work at all. One would give him some relief only to have the pain return within a few days. When days turned into a week or more at a time, we took a trip to the neurologist. Lots of questionnaires, an MRI, and other tests and examinations later and I was told my son had a beautiful brain.  No abnormalities that explained the migraines. He was missing so much school, that I eventually pulled him out during 8th grade and enrolled him in an online home schooling program.

One day, I mentioned to my chiropractor the migraines he was having.  She told me she treated children as well and asked if I’d be willing to bring him in to see if she could help.  YES!  He was in so much pain he was willing to try anything at this point.  Though not 100%, he felt much better after just the first appointment.  I was thrilled and figured we had it all figured out.  As the migraines became less intense, shorter in duration and fewer and further between, his mood – obviously – improved.  He was still complaining of the stomach aches, but those weren’t nearly as bad as the migraines – yet.

We both felt confident he was well enough to go back into the public school system for his Freshman year.  He still missed a good amount of days, but since he had doctor notes for much of the time missed and he had made up all of his work, the district gave him an exemption.  The days he didn’t have notes for were more stomach related.

As these days increased, we finally talked about going to the doctor once again. By this time, he had a new general physician (I decided it was about time for him to see a male doctor since he was getting older).  At first, there didn’t seem to be anything overly wrong.  As they talked, the doctor noted him mentioning eating fast food more frequently.  The times seemed to coincide with his stomach pains, so they discussed cutting back on that.  As time went on, it was a toss up on any given day if he would feel somewhat okay, have bouts of diarrhea, or days of painful constipation.  Enough was enough and back to the doctor we went.  This time, the doctor was a bit more concerned and did some tests. 

That visit led us to a specialist.  She took some x-rays and found he was severely impacted.  Take this, drink that, come back.  He did as instructed, missing more days of school.  Several more appointments and instructions later and she deemed him “well” again.  Though his bowel activity was somewhat more normal, he was still complaining of the stomach pain. 

By this time, we were fighting the public school due to his absence level again. After much research prayer and tinkering with my monthly budget, I pulled him out and enrolled him in a private academy.  He was able to work at home and only go on campus for testing.  Due to the issues with the public school, he was a semester behind.  This got us through the remainder of his Sophomore year.

A bit more financial re-arranging and he started his Junior year at the same private academy, but on-site.  It’s a mastery program, so school is only four hours a day.  Since he was having stomach issues again, I was hoping this would be the better option.  Unfortunately, he had days that even four hours was impossible.  We were both at our wits end. 

Mid-school year, he noticed a spot that seemed to be getting more irritated. Thinking it may be sweat related, he tried powder.  Then he tried ointment. Finally, he told me it didn’t seem to be healing.  Back to the doctor we went.  At first, the doctor thought it to be staph – antibiotics.  The next appointment revealed no change and the doctor recommended treating it for strep while we waiting on the results of a culture – a different antibiotic.  Awful side effects meant switching to yet another antibiotic.  Culture results led to a combination of two antibiotics. When none yielded any results, we were sent to a dermatologist.  A biopsy confirmed a few things it wasn’t – whew!  But not what it WAS.  Try this cream – nada.

I finally called our general physician and asked for blood work to be done, including an allergy test.  BINGO!  The doctor was almost excited when he personally called with the results.  My son showed a sensitivity (not allergy) to wheat, peanut, soy and mold.  I was actually driving when I got the call and pulled over to take this in and ask some questions.

While we will never know if this was the root cause of this unhealing spot that eventually had to be surgically taken care of, we were both certain it was the likely cause of his stomach ailments – WHEAT!

Upside down and shaken a bit - what I am not and who I am

Ever wake up to a feeling that your world has been turned upside down or shaken a bit?  What do you do?  Do you bury your head, hoping it will go away?  Do you stumble around trying to take care of some random piece of it?  Or, do you stare it down and make a plan to turn it right side up again?

I’ve woken to that feeling way too many times over the years.  I’ve tried the first two methods and finally made my way to the third one!  I now have a set of steps that are always helpful on getting things back on track.  You just viewed the first five steps of the finance portion of things.  I am not a professional financial advisor, psychologist or nutritionist.  I AM a single parent – on a single income – that has made a way of life out of learning things the hard way.  I’m about to embark on another one of my “adventures”. This time, I was challenged and I’m getting a bit brave.  I'm going public with it.  Perhaps you can glean something from my experiences.  Come on, let’s get going!

Okay - Feeling better!

Okay, I'm back "at home" now.  I feel much more "at home" with this blog and the contents!  I'll be pulling over another post or two of background information and then we will be rolling right along!

Balancing Our Blessings - Step #5

And the final (for now) step...

Balancing Our Blessings - CCC #5 - Setting Up Your Monthly Spending Plan

Step #5 – Setting Up Your Monthly Spending Plan

So…you know where you are, you know what you owe and you know what you have available, right?! Here’s the next step. This is where you will really start seeing some things come together and where there is work to be done.

Your Monthly Spending Plan is where you will “spend” all of your money on paper. You will allocate amounts to where they need to be or where you want them to go. Trust me…money will go regardless of where you would “like” it to go if you don’t set up a plan! So…get your tools back out!

At the top of the page, enter the amount of monthly income your household receives. If this varies due to you being hourly or on a commission plan, use the low average amount of income. This is how much money you have to allocate.

Next, down the left hand column, list all of your expenses – your monthly bills, gas, groceries, etc. Don’t forget to have a listing for savings! This can be general savings at this point unless you are ahead of the game and want to get more specific – emergency savings, long term, vacation, etc. Be sure to include items like car maintenance, medical expenses and such as well. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect at this point as you will be tweaking it! It does have to balance, though!!

To the right of each item/category, place the allocated amount of income needed. If you are unsure, use the average of the last few months. At the end of this exercise, you should come up with ZERO unallocated income!

Balancing Our Blessings - Step #4

For those following the finance steps - and not wanting to go all the way back to the early posts of this blog...

Balancing Our Blessings - CCC #4 How Does it Shake Out?

Before I go any further with the finance part, I want to be sure everyone understands one thing:
While the basic steps may be the same for everyone, everyone’s circumstances are unique.  That means there will be a ‘uniqueness’ to your approach on some steps.  Just as everyone’s ‘command center’ will look different – yours may be an elaborate set up, while mine is in a little basket – the point is to make the steps work for YOU!

Okay, now back to the leg work.  I completed step #3 and now know what I have in the bank.  WOW!  Entering all of the receipts can be a challenge at times, but VERY eye opening!  Did you notice where a lot of your money went?  Don’t be alarmed – we are still a work in progress.
Moving on along…

Step #4 – How does it shake out?

Take the amount you wrote down from your account balance and subtract out what you NEED until payday for groceries, gas, diapers, etc. Notice I said NEED! This new balance is what you have to work with for this next step.

Look at the amount.  Is it as much, or more, than the highlighted amounts from Step #2? If so, stop and right out the checks to pay all of those amounts – you are in a good place! Now wait for the rest of us!

If the amount you came up with is NOT as much or more than the highlighted amounts from Step #2, you have a bit of work to do here. Take a look at the items highlighted. Are there items that can be extended? For example, can you call your electric company and get an extension or work out a payment plan? Once you have worked out arrangements with those that you can, re-examine the shake out. If you are now good, write out the checks and hang out for a minute. If you still don’t shake out even or ahead, you will have to make some tough choices. Decide your priorities. If something can’t be paid, what can you live without? Personally, I would let my credit card go unpaid before I lost my electricity. Make those hard decisions and pay what you can NOW.

You still have enough money left for your necessities until pay day, right?! Now, take a deep breath and release. You just completed the yucky part of getting in balance!

Since the last post

What have I been up to?  Driving myself crazy.  I had this "bright" idea to start a new blog.  It's going well, but I have realized that this one contains a good amount of information that I don't want to disappear.  So..what am I going to do?  Well, I'm going to move some of the posts from the new blog over here and delete that one, of course - lol!  Just hang with me for a bit as I sort out some of my brain cobwebs.