
22 January 2012

Maybe it can be done...

Early during last pay period, I unexpectedly decided to pick up a second class this semester.  Since I emptied my Incidentals account in my Emergency Savings account at the end of the year, I had to absorb those fees into my regular budget or take money out of savings.  I refused to do the latter, as it wasn't what I defined as an emergency.  So, I decided to pay a bit more attention on my spending.  

Last week, I had a 'day of finances.'  I reviewed about 1/2 of my spending lines for unnecessary spending.  Since I do this about once a year, I wasn't expecting much.  However, one item was cut in half.  Not a huge savings - just under $9 a month, but why pay that $9 to someone else when I can do much more with it?  

Yesterday was pay day.  That meant it was time to review what was spent during the last pay period, shift money as needed and finalize this pay period's spending plan.  I knew I had been fairly careful, but I surprised even myself! 

Not only was I able to absorb the class expenses, but I was also able to put the allotted amounts into my Incidentals account AND pay almost $100 extra towards my credit card pay off!

Yep, I was excited!  I might actually be able to cut that 5.5 years (expected length of time to save for and finish remodeling this house) way down!

Today, in between reading 33 pages for one of my classes, I'll be working on reviewing the other 1/2 of my expenses.  Wonder what I'll find there...

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