
16 January 2012

Forget about it chicken - can't get much easier than this!

I'm thinking the crock pot (seldom used before) just may become my new best kitchen friend!  I've made this twice now - each a little bit differently - and each time it turned out a hit in my house.  I found it extremely easy and my son found it very tasty.

Here you go:

1 crock pot
1 whole chicken
various seasonings or veggies
-one time I filled the cavity with chopped carrots and celery and topped with a bit of minced garlic
-one time I filled the cavity with chopped onion, carrots and celery
no water or anything needed

Empty the cavity of the chicken.  Season as desired.  Cook on low over night or all day (about 10 hours).  The chicken will pretty much fall off the bones!

The possible uses for this are only as endless as your imagination.

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