
03 December 2011

Truly Blessed!

My brain has been on overload the past few days with things to write.  However, my fingers couldn't keep up and the wires kept crossing.  That happens from time to time and I'm sure professional writers would love to have that "problem."  However, me, not so much.  It means I either write and re-write as the stories cross over or I simply wait.  Ha, simply!  I'm not sure the English language should allow "simply" and "wait" next to each other in the same sentence!  But, that's what I chose to do this time.

I had much to say and it would have likely sparked much discussion, but I waited.  It hasn't always been my strong point, but definitely an area I have been working on.

I have found an interesting thing happens when I wait.  Something comes running out front,  big and bold!  That's when I follow.

This morning I woke with the feeling.  It was a good feeling.  A lot has been going on lately and I have been wondering if I was on the right path with some of it.  Well, it seems I am.  It is apparent there will be some road blocks and detours, but what's a road trip without those?  After being on many wrong paths, it is really nice to be even on a portion of the right path for a change!

I posted on Facebook for everyone to look for the beautiful in the day.  We've all been a bit under the weather lately and we all needed some good and beautiful.  I must admit, I needed the re-focus, but I wasn't expecting so much to be set before me.  It seemed I was faced with "beautiful" at every turn today.

The joy of sitting and chatting over a cup of tea with a friend and the kindness of a friend loaning a movie and book,

A friend driving 45 minutes to help me with crazy house projects and the pleasure of spending the afternoon with someone who "gets me."

A very nice e-mail containing a very unexpected comment from a friend to say they care and to keep doing what I do.

I am truly blessed!

I have a loving daughter who has had to make the hard decisions in life and still keeps a giving spirit about her.  I have a caring son-in-love that loves my daughter.
I have 4 beautiful grandsons that love their Grams.
I have been blessed by the addition of a loving couple to our family that cares for another grandson and allows open access.
I have a smart and caring son that I'm sure will leave his mark on this world.
I have a small army of great friends that are there to cheer me on or cheer me up and a few close friends that know enough about me to run, yet choose to stay!

Now, if that's not enough to consider myself blessed, I have a great job with a great income, a roof over my head, food in the fridge and clothes in the closet.  I have a running car - without a car payment, I have a tank full of fish to calm me when stressed and I have a decent amount of my health left about me.

I went to sleep last night praying for a sign.  Well, here's my sign.

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