
09 December 2011

Recovering - Day 1...AGAIN

When I first learned of my son's wheat sensitivity, I did just as my prior post said.  I went through my entire kitchen and got rid of EVERYTHING I could find that had wheat in it.  I brought 2 BIG boxes of food items over to my neighbor's house.  We avoided eating out.  We attempted to find replacement things for what was tossed.  Now that was an adventure!

The 'important' items to replace were bread and macaroni and cheese.  Well, we tripped across some of both that even my dogs wouldn't eat!  Seriously!  They would sniff it and walk away.  He was very discouraged.

Finally, we found replacements that were semi okay.  Then he wanted to 'try' an occasional wheat item.  The doctors couldn't tell us exactly how much wheat or what kind would be too much for his system.  Some do okay with the occasional, while others have to avoid 99% of it. Soon, the occasional became more frequent.  He seemed to be somewhat okay for a while.  Now he is absolutely miserable again.  He will catch every bug or virus that travels anywhere near our block and then have an awful time ridding himself of it.  His immune system - between all of this and many rounds of antibiotics over the summer for another issue - has been severely compromised.  

He has only made it through one full day of school this week (and he only goes 1/2 day).  This morning was the absolute final straw for me.  He woke me about 0330 to tell me he was feeling absolutely awful again (still).  His stomach was burning so bad that he couldn't sleep.

He is 17 and about to go off to college - if he can ever feel well enough to get through high school!  I have got to find what works for him and it has to be something he can learn and take with him.  Today we start again!

The plan for day 1:  no wheat and simple, bland foods - plenty of water to help flush his system, vitamins and rest

Day 1 is never the problem...

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