
09 December 2009

Just some thoughts...

Everyone’s heard the terms: eco-friendly, environmentally conscious, energy-efficient. There are likely more books on ‘green living’ available on today’s bookshelf than at any other time during the last 50 years. Many of these writers claim to ‘have found a new way of living’. I wonder what they think our ancestors did years ago before all of the modern ‘conveniences’ of today’s lifestyle?

Out of curiosity, I have picked up and browsed through some of these books. Most have had a common theme weaved in – take care of Mother Earth. I understand their point, but find their reference a bit lacking. After all, wasn’t it Father God who provided us with Mother Earth? Wasn’t it Father God who put man in the Garden of Eden to work it and care for it? Though man was kicked out of the Garden, doesn’t that position still apply to the rest of us and to the world God has provided us with?

Personally, I like to think of this quest more on the lines of ‘Mindful Living’ – of being more mindful of the abundance of blessings that have been bestowed upon us here in our great land of plenty and how we use them to help those around us.

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