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29 April 2012

The problem with no plan

I had a plan for yesterday - had the day all mapped out - what was going to get done and when.  Then I woke with a headache.  It had a plan as well!  So, we compromised.  I would still get stuff accomplished today, but would shift what that "stuff" was.  Instead of going out to hand wash the car, I'd clean out the freezer, fridge and pantry.

Sounded fair enough.

I started in the freezer.  When I was done, only 12 things remained.  I tossed a bag of unidentifiable freezer burned items, as well as many partially used items with expiration dates more than 6 months old.  Now, I went into this "clean out" project expecting to find maybe one or two things that needed to be used up soon or tossed.  Um, this was an eye opener.

Back to a better plan to spend less and waste less!

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