
08 October 2011

Balancing Our Blessings (again) Step 2

I pulled my credit card statements - not nearly as bad as the first time I worked this program, but they still need paid off...again! Are you ready for the next step? Here it is:

Balancing Our Blessings - CCC Step #2

Step #2 – Finding out where you are now

This one isn’t really meant to be fun either. You will need the tools you used in step one AND access to statements for ALL of your monthly bills – mortgage/rent, utilities, car payment, credit cards, day care, etc. (anything outside of food, gas, other necessities at this time). Don’t forget the items direct debited from your account!

As in the previous step, set your sheet up by listing all of these items down the left hand column. You will then have four columns to the right. Your sheet should look something like this:
Past Due Date Amount Current Date Amount
Credit Card
Car PmtCar

Now, fill in those columns using the most recent statements available. The date columns should reflect the original actual due date of each bill. Total each column. This is what you currently owe others at this point. Pull in another tool…a HIGHLIGHTER. Highlight all amounts that are due prior to your next payday.

If you are following along, I'd love to hear your comments!

1 comment:

  1. I go into this totally blind with no understanding of what is going to take place.
