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18 March 2012

Challenge: 26 new recipes over 52 weeks (or less) - Introduction

This is the first of many challenges I am presenting to myself.  I am not the best cook and my kitchen is not ideal, so this will be a learning experience for me.  There are only a few requirements:

1.  It must be wheat-free.
2.  It must be quick to prepare. I have no tolerance for spending hours preparing something that will be devoured in minutes.  I'm thinking definitely less than an hour prep time.
3.  It must be easy.  That means the ingredients must be easily identifiable, easily located and require no "special" skills or equipment.
4.  It must not "break the bank."  While I haven't exactly set a limit, The goal is to find things I can then recommend to my daughter, who is on a budget.

While I am hopeful I will find (and try) 26 new recipes in a much shorter time, I am a realist.  I know I sidetrack myself, trip myself up and sometimes simply don't feel like doing something, so I am aiming for 1 new recipe every pay period.  Let's see how it goes.

*all related posts will be titled as "Challenge: 26 new recipes..." and labeled as "recipes"

Back in the saddle

I've been offline for a bit - had my daughter and grandsons up for a visit.  It was a bit frustrating since one of my big dogs is temporarily residing in my house and my youngest grandson is allergic to dogs.  Just a reminder of how much I have yet to get done with my house and yard!

Of course, while they were here, it was a "whatever you want" kind of time.  Out came the credit card that was just paid off - lol!  Oh well, checking that damage will wait for another day.

Today has been about reflection and regaining some balance and direction.

A bit of reflection:

Health - We ate crappy, CRAPPY this past week!  I'm talking McDonald's, Sonic, donuts, awful zoo food, Wendy's, Chinese take out, etc.  While I may not have gained any weight, I feel awful today and it sure didn't do any good for my supposed to be wheat-free son.

Home - I have seriously been slacking on remodeling projects.  Though my 'helper' hasn't been available much lately, there is MUCH I can do on my own and simply haven't got off my lazy rear to do any of it.

Finances - Ha!  It has been a free-for-all spending session lately.  Unfortunately, I don't have much to show for it.

Personal Growth/Bucket List - Well, let's just say the list is still intact.
Now that I know where I am at, I can again start on a plan of action to move forward!  Stay tuned in - I believe I feel some awesome challenges and goals coming up.

11 March 2012

Swamp Land

Ever get the feeling no matter what you do you just end up walking in circles?  Well, it's been one of those times for me lately.  Lots going on - a good amount out of my control - and no matter what I do, it seems I get nowhere fast!  It's days (weeks, months) like these that I fall back on my "SIMPLIFYINGMYLIFE" approach.  I seek out that one little thing that I CAN do something about.  Some days that means something as small as washing the dishes - sometimes it is something simple like dropping off a box of unwanted items at the local Salvation Army store.

The past few months have brought me to many "forks in the road."  Unfortunately, the paths before me have been covered in leaves, mud - hidden behind sheets of get the idea. It's like the paths are before me, but I've been kept in the "swamp land" and can't quite reach even the point of choosing which path I will take.  For much, I am still waiting on more information to be revealed, and that path will likely be chosen for me.

This place can become quite frustrating - especially when lasting longer than I feel it should!  However, I am slowly learning that struggling against it simply causes more frustration.  Instead, I am finding small measures of peace by accepting where I am at and taking time to clean up some of where I am, while waiting for the opportunity to move forward...even if just a see what lies ahead on any one of the roads before me.

Only time will tell which road must be taken, but until then...I do what I can, where I am at.

My 2cents - Navigating the murky waters of life

A while back (on my Facebook account) I started posting almost daily 'My 2cents of wisdom.'  I got side-tracked for a while, but had one for today.

Been awhile, but here's a few cents of wisdom for tonight.  Sometimes life throws things at you from so many directions, that you really don't even know where the roads are before you, as they all seem to be covered in leaves, dirt, mud, water, snow or ice.  Sometimes none of the roads - as they appear - seem appealing.  Sometimes one would rather choose a road not even on the horizon.  However, that one not being an option, one needs to pull back into reality and focus on what can be done right at the moment.  Then, sometimes ever so slowly, the weather will change just enough to reveal the roads laid out before you.  As that happens, you will then be ready (or at least more prepared) to step forward and tackle what may lay ahead on that path.