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01 March 2010

Forget Careful Unraveling!

The careful unraveling attempt has got me nowhere but in circles for a while now. My old time friends would likely agree with me when I say I can be impulsive at times; not always taking time to ponder much before pouncing.

You. Yeah, you over there ready this right now…just bite your tongue!

So my firm feet and holstered determination decided to jump right down in the middle of my Alphabet War. By nature’s design I am slightly ADD and a bit OCD. Put those opposing forces together and you get? Someone wanting everything right and right now! I’ve always been pretty good at knowing what I want. I just don’t always take the usual or proper way to get it.

Again – You, bite your tongue!

Over the past week or so, I called a Summit Meeting and invited ADD and OCD to join. I also invited Procrastination, Determination, Could Really Care Less and a few other squirrelly fellows to the table. I put forth my agenda and let the chatter begin. Let me tell you, it was utter chaos for a while as all of them laid out their personalities and preferences! When I had listened to as much as I could from the whiners and control freaks, realizing they could go on like this for days, weeks, or even months if Procrastination had any say in things, I stomped the almighty boot down in the midst of them all. I had actually been listening to their whining, complaining and controlling attitudes and had mashed them all together into a nice neat little battle plan! Many were outraged, but as you will soon see, the plan encompasses all of their wants and needs.

My Option - Stand My Ground!

Those who know me, who really know me, likely have a few choice words to describe me. Among the nicer of the varieties, you will likely find: stubborn, strong willed and bull headed. What can I say? I’m a Taurus! I have made my choice and I am standing my ground. Then, I will push forward, recapturing territories lost along the way.

That choice having been made, I grabbed that “ball of yarn” by the bristles and gave it a good hard stare down. I didn’t like what I saw tangled up in that mess, so I set my feet firm and holstered on my determination. I had another decision to make. I could attempt to carefully unravel it, little by little; pondering each little move before it was made, or I could set a challenging course before me, jumping in with all I the might I could muster.