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23 February 2010

Life is but a ball of yarn...

Life is but a ball of yarn…
That the cats have fought over, torn and drug all over the place and caused it to become a tangled and knotted up mess!

What do you do when that ball of yarn starts to strangle you, the Dust Bunnies have invited their friends - the Gremlins - over and your kids have forgotten they shouldn’t be fed after midnight? You duck because the pipes are about to burst and spew water all over said Dust Bunnies and Gremlins!

Now the Gremlins have multiplied, the Dust Bunnies have transformed into Muck Monsters and the kids – well, they are hiding under their beds!

What do you do? Though it may be tempting to set fire to the whole lot – minus the kids, of course – that is not an option. You can’t run forward as the collective enemies have set up a road block. Your options are: retreat or stand your ground!