
05 November 2010


My crazy dog woke me at 4:30 this morning (why he is inside is a whole other story) needing to go out to potty. While I was extremely thankful he didn't just potty in the house, I really didn't want up that early! After trying...and go back to sleep, I pulled up the computer. I wanted to get some things done, but it was really dark outside (and inside) and I didn't want to throw on all the lights. I checked my email, checked my Facebook, etc. I finally gave in and turned on the TV about 6:00. Still, I didn't feel like I was accomplishing much. Then it hit me! Generations before me faced early morning darkness and still managed to get things done...even before electricity was a common place! CANDLES! I had a cabinet full of them. Without turning on lights, I managed to find two big ones and the matches. There is now enough light in my living room to get some things done. I know, this may not be an option for everyone, but I am on a mission to see how low the electric bill can go this winter (now that the a/c doesn't suck up all the kwh).